
Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Accepting Yourself ! 🌈❤

These days you can go up to any girl on the sidewalk and ask them anything about themselves and the answer is most likely going to be negative.. Why is this ?? 

It takes time to accept who you are as a person and genuinely believe you are truly beautiful.. Every person in the world is. 

There may be some minor things about yourself that you do not like, but believe me when I say this, those little things that you don't like or even hate, make you beautiful, genuine and unique and even if you don't particularly like them.. Somebody out there adores you for them. 

And it's not just looks that we should accept, there are other things about ourselves that we need to say "okay, this is who I am, and I am going to be happy, grateful and proud of myself for it". 

We need to be grateful for the fact that we are happy, healthy and kindhearted people. And if you're thinking "No I am not! People suck!" Well think again, because you have the ability to change the way you view the world for the better. 

The only way is up and onwards..

Be proud of who you are and don't let any close minded people tell you any differently.. Because if they feel it is right for them to say rude and hurtful things, they're wrong and you are the person who deserves the opportunity to be happy. 

Thank you xxxx